A Duty Charged....

The charge you will have is not just healing but also teaching and raising. Spirituality blossoms where there is growth of healing and growth in teaching. as a spiritual person I soon learned that where there is truth there will always be a need to teach, spirituality has no sense of time or age or gender therefore being spiritual for 10years now means I am an adult in the spirit world regardless of my vessels size or age. Our spirituality exists in more than one category and some of the categories that I specialize in are
  • Nguni 
  • Bushi (as depicted above)
  • Shangaani 
  • Zulu 
  • Apostel (which will have its on in depth post) 
A duty charged is the responsibility of raising those that are spiritual but have no sense of how spirituality works and should be handled or treated therefore making you a Gobela.
